Friday, November 3, 2023

Take care to have knowledge about the condition of your flocks,
looking well after your herds. Proverbs 7:23 

The context of this verse is of course addressed to an agrarian society. The herdsman had to know the temperament and health of each member of his herd so that he could properly care for them. While most of us do not tend cattle, horses, or sheep many have children or a spouse that we live with and relate to. Sadly, with our hectic pace of life, we are not building deep and rewarding relationships with those we love. I spent 30+ years as a pastor and I was concerned with the spiritual condition of the individuals in my congregation. 

When interacting with a husband/father I often would ask him if their child/spouse knew Christ as their personal Savior. Too many times they would respond they did not know. Having a personal relationship with Christ is THE most important aspect of life and yet we are often unaware of the spiritual condition of our family members. 

When was the last time we sat down with our children/spouse and had a serious discussion with them about their struggles, fears, ambitions, peer pressures, etc? 

Why not have a date night with your daughter and build that relationship? How about taking your son on a weekend camping trip to have a deep talk about what he is struggling with? Wives would be delighted if their husbands gave them their undivided attention. 

Life is tough! Having good relationships with our family members takes being intentional.   


Everything that happens has happened before; nothing is new, nothing under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

The stories in the Scriptures often seem to be ripped from the headlines.

 You don't need to read any further than Genesis to encounter stories such as these:

Brother Murders Brother in a Fit of Jealous Rage” (Genesis 4)

Spiritual Leader Discovered Drunk and Naked in His Home” (Genesis 9)

Husband’s Lies Place Wife in Danger of Sexual Assault” (Genesis 12)

Militants Kidnap Family During Raid” (Genesis 14)

Wife Lets Husband Father a Child with the Maid” (Genesis 16)

Twin Brother Deceives Blind Father and Steals from Absent Brother” (Genesis 27)

Man in Polygamous Household Faces Incredible Strife in Family” (Genesis 29-30)

Mass Slaughter Perpetrated by Brothers to Avenge Sister’s Rape” (Genesis 34)

Eldest Son Sleeps with His Father’s Co-Wife” (Genesis 35)

Jealous Brothers Sell Younger Brother into Slavery” (Genesis 37)

In other words, our stories of stained lives redeemed by the blood of a merciful God are stories of biblical proportions. But be of good cheer: our Lord has a long and rich history of being mercifully involved in the lives of dysfunctional families.

Take care to have knowledge about the condition of your flocks, looking well after your herds. Proverbs 7:23  The context of this verse is o...