Saturday, June 13, 2020

It's All About Me

All of us can be a bit self-centered. By nature, we are selfish people. You don't have to teach a child to be selfish. According to Jesus, life is not all about us. One of the quickest ways to forget about God is to be consumed with "self." Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24 NIV

Years ago there was a commercial about a burger place that said, Have it your way.  God wants us to have it HIS way and He's not talking about extra meat, hold the lettuce. Speaking of food, Jesus made a statement that should make us pause before we order our next burger. My food … is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” John 4:34 NIV

When we were raising our children, we taught them having joy was Jesus Others Yourself. Rather than focusing on our desires, we are called to focus on the needs of others. Instead of cutting to the front of the line, we are called to wait at the end. God created us to serve. God didn’t create us to be takers. He created us to be givers. God wants us to contribute rather than to consume.

The big craze right now is taking a "selfie." That  is, using your phone to take a picture of yourself. It caught on real fast because we are so centered on self. Consider how the word sin is spelled:  s I  n. Directly or indirectly sin is about me; self. Self is the center of sin.






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