Friday, June 19, 2020

Man Power

Have you ever noticed how men have a fascination with power? One of the first questions a man asks when buying a car is, "How much horsepower  does it have?" Men own power tools. They take power naps. If they buy a firearm, they usually will buy the largest (most powerful) caliber they can find.

When Jesus Christ left this Earth, He said, "...But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you..." That would be appealing to any man. POWER! And they did receive power. They healed the sick and raised the dead! 

If you have a craving for more power in your life, it’s time to go all in on the Word of God! In Acts 2:42, the believers were devoted to the apostles’ teaching, and the results changed their lives. 
When you seek His way first, you’ll have everything else you need. The power of passion, purpose, love, and transformation is waiting for you. 

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