Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Be Still - Part Two

                                    He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; Psalm 46:10

In my last post, we considered the concept of "being still" and saw it meant 'to lower your hands,' to quit striving in your own strength in an attempt to know God.

The Bible uses two different words that are translated "know" into English. The first word means to come to an intellectual understanding. I can truthfully say, "I know Donald Trump." That is to say, I would recognize him if he came into a room and this is the same word found in our text. 

But I don't know him in a relational setting. I don't know his likes or dislikes. I don't understand him personally. In Genesis 4:1, it tells us that Adam knew Eve and she conceived a child. The writer choose the Hebrew word meaning an intimate relationship and this is the same word used in our text. 

Many people know God intellectually but few know Him in an intimate relationship. Knowing God intimately requires"being still" in the sense we need to totally surrender all OUR efforts and struggles to know Him. 

Find a quiet place and just allow Him to reveal Himself to you. 

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