Saturday, August 8, 2020

How Big is your "but"?

Several years ago, Geico had a humorous commercial involving President Abraham Lincoln. Mrs. Lincoln was trying on a new dress and asked her husband if the dress made her butt look big. "Honest Abe", who was known for telling the truth, found himself in a dilemma. Many husbands today have experienced the "butt" dilemma many times.

But this blog deals with another kind of but (one "t"). This particular "but" has caused many of us problems.

How many times have we said something like:
* I know I shouldn't eat this but...
* I know I shouldn't say this but...
* I know I should spend more time with my family but...
*I know I should forgive them but...
* I know I should be more involved with the church but...
* I know I shouldn't put this on credit but...

What comes after that 'but' often leads to devastation; to our faith, to our spiritual, to our bodies, to our relationships. For a short three letter word, it is a big BUT. 

Allow me to share some biblical examples a big BUT. 
Abraham was a biblical figure that was known for his faith. By faith, God called him to a land that he never knew. God told him when he left home, he was to leave all his family behind but he decided to take his father and his family with him. 

In Abraham's culture, the oldest male is the boss. They were going to Canaan (where God told him to go) but in Genesis 11:31 we read, "...but they stopped at Haran and settled there." Canaan was where God was going to lead Abraham into a new covenant and change the destiny of the world. It was where God was going to pour out His blessing on him. He was on his way there BUT he stopped. This spiritual BUT can stop you from being where God wants you to be.

In our next blog, we will continue to look at another Biblical example of how big a spiritual "but" can be.

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