Monday, November 23, 2020

Is God Pleased With You?

 I have read Matthew Chapter Three numerous times and have totally overlooked a very important  phrase. By way of introduction allow me to preface my thoughts with an observation that many may have overlooked in our culture. We are a 'performance based' society. We think people will love us more by how well we perform. I am not saying people should not be rewarded and honored for diligent work and achievement but we should not value people just on the basis of performance.

For example. a parent may say, "Daddy loves you when you make straight A's on your report card!" The child may conclude that Daddy will not love me if I don't make straight A's. Hopefully that is that his intent. Their child should be congratulated for academic excellence but no matter what his grades are, he needs to be assured on his parents unconditional love. 

In Matthew 3, Jesus has just been baptized by John the Baptist and as Jesus is coming out of the Jordan River, a voice from heaven says, " This is my beloved Son, with whom I will be pleased." (Vs.17) Remember this is just the beginning of Jesus' earthly ministry.

He has yet to perform His first miracle. He has not healed the man with leprosy. He has not raised Lazarus from the dead. He hasn't preached to the multitudes.  He has not done anything 'miraculous.'  Yet, God the Father says He was pleased with His Son.

In my opinion, I believe God's approval is found in the phrase preceding that statement. "This is my beloved Son..." God was pleased with the Son on the basis of their relationship. Jesus did not have to do anything to bring pleasure to His Father, God  found pleasure in their relationship.

God is pleased with you on the basis of your relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.

3:17 Or my Son, my (or theBelovedwith whom I am well pleased.” 

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