Saturday, December 12, 2020

Yeah! Right!


Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4

The background to this story is Jesus has been teaching a vast crowd and turned to Simon Peter (a fisherman by trade) and told him to farther out where it was deep, giving Jesus more room to teach. Nothing annoys a fisherman more than someone giving them advise on how to fish. "Why don't you try this lure?" I think you need to fish deeper." "Try fishing along the river bank." I am sure Peter was more than annoyed that Jesus , a carpenter by trade, was giving him advise on fishing.

Simon was a bit doubtful because his crew worked all night and didn't catch anything. (I've been there and done that) He knew fishing was best done at night not daytime, so it was highly unlikely he would catch fish now.

Doubt is not some we came up with in our lifetime. The very first sin (Garden of Eden) was based on the doubt that God was holding back on the first couple Genesis 3:5-6. We know the disciples doubted. Peter and Thomas certainly did. Yet, God did not hold that against them.

The good news about our doubts - they do not define the rest of our lives. Just because we have doubted in the past does not mean we will doubt it the future. We may struggle with our own failure but God does not. He loves us deeply and continues to call us to trust Him.

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