Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Me? A Warrior?

 "...He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle." Psalm 144:1

As a child, I would often get together with my buddies and play war. I never gave it much thought until recently. Playing the part of a soldier just seemed so right, so natural. But why? We live in an age where boys are discouraged playing with toy guns because 'culture' says it will make boys too aggressive. But to my knowledge none of us grew up to be mass murderers or violent criminals!

As I read Psalm144:1, the thought came to me that God has placed in a every boy the very spirit of a warrior. Let me explain; a boy playing in the yard picks up a stick and it suddenly becomes a rifle. He throws a pine cone and it becomes a hand grenade. God has a designed boys to grow up to be men. Men who possess a warrior spirit. God never intended boys (or men) to become bullies. Men are not to be male chauvinists.

But we ARE to be defenders of the defenseless. We Are to help the helpless. Proverbs 31:8-9 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice."

I guess that is why some (not all) action movies are so appealing. We love it when someone in the crowd steps out and defends someone you is being bullied. We cheer when the "under-dog" finally has a champion. Often, it is someone who does not appear to be a 'warrior.' They look so meek and mild but a true warrior is not be underestimated. Often, they do not see themselves as a 'warrior.' Judges 6:15

The biggest difference is that as Christ-followers we do not rely on our own strength. Christ is our ultimate source of strength. Isaiah 41:10

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