Monday, March 15, 2021

Feel The Tug?


A young boy had chosen the ideal day to fly a kite. It was sunny and just the right amount of wind. As he continue to allow his kite to rise higher on the wind currents, an older man approached him. As the man looked into the sky, he could not see the boy's kite, which now was just a speck in the sky. Partly in jest he said, "How do you know your kite is still there?" The boy replied, "Because I can feel the tug!"

As I thought about that story, I thought "Isn't that like God? We often may not see Him but we can feel His tug!" When God created mankind, He placed within him the desire ( a 'tug') to commune with God. Genesis 2:4-17 In the Garden of Eden, God meet with Man daily and they fellowshipped but because of man's disobedience (sin), God could no longer openly commune with God. The natural state of the human heart is to reject God’s rule of our lives and a close relationship with him.

And though mankind turned their backs on God, God did not turn His back on us. God sent Jesus to show the world that even though we don’t want a relationship with God, he still wants a relationship with us. God is drawing (the 'tug') all people to himself through the cross of Jesus. John 12:32 Jesus was lifted up on the cross so that ALL people would be drawn back to God. Once again we see God’s desire that all people have a relationship with Him.

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