Tuesday, April 13, 2021

I Deserve It

 Temptation; we have all experienced it. Temptation is anything that promises satisfaction at the cost of obedience to God. Yielding to temptation leads to sin. My definition of sin is fulfilling a God-given desire in a way that God never intended. I.e. God gave mankind the desire for physical intimacy but it must be fulfilled in the bounds of matrimony.

We have looked at the first two temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness. Matthew 4:1-11 Today, we look at the final temptation - the lust of the eyes. This temptation often says "I deserve it," Have you ever told yourself that? Satan shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and he tells Him he'll give Him all these if He would only bow down and worships him. If anyone deserves all the Kingdoms of the world it's Jesus. But that one simple act would be disobedience to God. Satan was offering a crown without a cross. A Kingdom without suffering.

Today we see the lust of the eyes in entitlement mentality of our culture. People say they deserve certain privileges that they are entitled to but have not worked for them. When tempted to say "I deserve it" let's replace it with "Only Jesus."

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