Friday, April 2, 2021

I Want My Lawyer

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you."  John 14:16

I sometimes enjoy watching a crime show on television. It is interesting the different techniques that police detectives use to question a suspect of a crime. When the questioning gets a little heated, the suspect may refuse to answer any more question and demand an attorney. After the suspect "lawyers up," the detectives cannot legally ask them any more questions. 

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus Christ is referred as our Advocate, which could be translated as lawyer or attorney. An advocate is a person who comes to our aid or pleads our case to a judge. Advocates offer support, strength, and counsel and intercede for us when necessary. 

In the Bible, Satan is sometimes referred to a an "accuser of the brethren." He accuses us of our sins before God. In the book of Job, Satan stood before God to accuse Job of having an insincere love for Him; He said Job only served God because of the blessings God had given to him. Job 1:9 -10 

The next time Satan gets in your face reminding you of your past sins, tell him, "I want my lawyer!" 


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