Monday, July 5, 2021

Live Long and Prosper


If you are familiar with Stak Trek, you know the character, Mr. Spock. Spock, a Vulcan, was the Science Officer of the starship Enterprise. Often when Spock was saying goodbye to someone he would often say, "Live long and prosper.'

I recently thought of that phrase and realized how it paralleled the philosophy of today's culture. Everyone wants to live a long life but in during so they want to prosper. Nothing wrong with being successful but when our goal in life is getting rich, we miss the purpose which God intended for us. In fact, the Bible warns us not to focus on seeking riches:

  • "...anyone in a hurry to get rich will not escape punishment" Proverbs 28:20
  • " If riches increase, do not set your heart on them." Psalm 62:10
  • "...the deceitfulness of riches and the desire for other things..." Mark 4:19
There is nothing sinful in being wealthy. Many rich people are mentioned in the Bible and they were termed as being righteous. It is not wrong to have riches. It become wrong when riches have you. Matthew 6:24 

 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and He will give you everything you need.


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