Saturday, August 28, 2021



I am sure many of you were attracted to this blog due to its title. No question that we live in a sex-saturated society. But what many fail to realize is the word “lust” is basically not wrong. Technically, “lust” just means a strong desire. You might be mowing the lawn on a hot day and you might 'lust' for a glass of cold iced tea! Your neighbor is grilling steaks and the odor drifts into your yard and you 'lust' for a rib eye.

Most people connect lust with sex and that is part of our makeup. Remember 'lust' is a strong desire and without lust, we wouldn't have children! God has created man with a desire for sexual relationships. The Biblical book Song of Solomon speaks about the love and sexual longing between a man and woman. But God designed sex (and lust) to be shared only in the boundary of marriage.

God created sexual attraction but He has clearly stated that it be brought under control. Matthew 5:28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” I once had a “discussion” with a man who said it was impossible for a man to keep from “looking twice” at a scantly clad woman. I disagreed. He challenged me that I personally could not keep from looking twice. I told him that it was a struggle for me at the beginning of my walk with Christ but I found a way to overcome it.

Job 31:1 I made an agreement with my eyes. I promised not to look at a young woman with impure thoughts. I have disciplined my mind that when I see an attractive woman, I change my thoughts.... take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5. After a while it became almost second nature. Sometimes I have to physically look the other way.

Can we live above the desires of the “flesh?” Most certainly. Philippians 4:13 Romans 6:12-14

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