Monday, December 20, 2021

A Second Christmas ?

 In a few days, we will celebrate Christmas, the coming of Jesus to earth as our Savior. As I reflected on His birth, the thought occurred to me that though the majority of people believed that Messiah would come, only a handful was actively looking for His arrival. He caught people unaware!

Fast forward 2,000 years and we find ourselves in the same situation. Forty-six percent of Christians believe in the second coming of Christ will occur in the next forty years. (Pew Research) but most are not looking for His return today. Luke 12:40 Matthew 25:13
I have a reoccurring thought every year at this time. Since Jesus promised He would return to earth, how awesome it would be for Him to return at the time we celebrate His first coming (His birth). People are so distracted with buying gifts, going to parties, and decorating they hardly give thought to the real reason for Christmas.

Jesus is the One who says that these things are true. Now he says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:20
return to earth, how awesome it would be for Him to return at the time we celebrate His first coming (His birth). People are so distracted with buying gifts, going to parties, and decorating they hardly give thought to the real reason for Christmas.

Jesus is the One who says that these things are true. Now he says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 22:20

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