Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Dying Church


There is no question that the last two years have been difficult on every front and nowhere is that seen more clearly that in our churches. Attendance in most churches has been declining for many years. Experts said in 2020 they expected 380,000 churches to close. Each month 250 pastors leave the ministry. The average time a pastor remains his church is 4 years.

I do not want to sound like a 'prophet of doom' but it is evident that the church is dying. Space does not allow me to explore all the reasons but allow me share a solution to keep churches from dying.

The Bible calls the Church the Body. Colossians 1:18 Romans 12:4-5 and as the human body has a life cycle, so does the Church. The churches the Apostle Paul started are no longer in existence. Most (if any) of the churches John Wesley started are in existence today. The church has a life-cycle: Birth. Growth. Stability. Decline. Death. A church left to itself will eventually die.

One church growth expert says for a church to keep from dying it must rediscover the purpose of the church. Many churches think their purpose is self-propagation; that is to maintain its existence. But Theology Professor Don Meeser rightly said. “I believe we need to rediscover that the purpose of the church is to increase the love of God and neighbor.

Most churches see revival services as a means to convert unsaved people. But that is not true revival. True revival is the church recommitting itself to Christ and sharing His love.

Today's church most reinvent itself to reach this new generation. That doesn't mean changing our message but changing our methods. George Bernard Shaw once declared that "some [people] see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not."

The Good News is... I will build my church. The gates of hell will not be strong enough to destroy it. Matthew 16:18

For more insight see Reinventing the Church

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