Sunday, December 18, 2022

Behold! A Child is Born!

 Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3 

Three weeks ago, our granddaughter Bethany, gave birth to our first great grandchild. Needless to say, we were overjoyed. We marveled at how perfect she was. (What do you expect from a great grandfather?)

This morning as I read Luke's account of the nativity, I could not help but identify with Mary, in a very small way. In Luke 2, an angel appeared to Mary and gave her some very startling news, that though she was a virgin, she would become pregnant. He also told her that her Son, “... shall be very great and shall be called the Son of God. And the Lord God shall give him the throne of his ancestor David. “And he shall reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom shall never end! Luke 1:32-33 I'm sure that was a lot for her to think about. “..Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart and often thought about them...” Luke 2:19

Back to our great grandchild. As I held Ezri, I thought, what does God have in store for her life? What plans does He have for her? Jeremiah 29:11 Since holding her from the first time, I cannot help but to continually think about God's amazing plan for her.

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