Saturday, June 10, 2023

What Does God Look Like?

  No one has ever seen God.... John 1:18

Mrs. Johnson, the Sunday School teacher, had given her class free time to create something of their own. She could not help but notice that 6-year-old Billy was very occupied with a picture he was drawing. She carefully looked over his shoulder and inquired what he was drawing.   Billy replied he was drawing a picture of God. Somewhat amused and yet not wanting to discourage him; she said, "But Billy no one knows what God looks like." Without looking up from his paper, replied, "They will when I am finished." 

No matter your age, we all have an idea of God. Maybe you don't have a mental picture of Him, but we all have a concept of God. Hollywood has come up with some interesting characters to depict God.  There's Morgan Freeman in Bruce Almighty.  There's George Burns in Oh God. Entertaining but not accurate. 

The theologian, Karl Barth, said that the true God is "wholly other" meanings far above all earthly deities and every concept that man can envision. 

one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.   Ephesians 4:6

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