Thursday, August 13, 2020

Can We Coexist?

 For several years I have noticed a bumper sticker that sounds politically correct, but I have not given it much thought until recently. I am sure you have seen the "Coexist" sticker.  


I have seen a lot of bumper stickers that say, “Coexist” with each letter an archetypal symbol of a different worldview or movement. If you are not familiar with them, or have seen them but do not know what each symbol means, let me break it down for you:

I’ve seen a lot of bumper stickers that say, “Coexist” with each letter an archetypal symbol of a different worldview or movement. If you are not familiar with them, or have seen them but don’t know what each symbol means, let me break it down for you:

The ‘C’ is a symbol for Islam.

The ‘O’ is a symbol for Pacifism.

The ‘E’ is a symbol for gay rights/gender equality, depending on whom you ask.

The ‘X’ is a symbol for Judaism.

The ‘I’ is a symbol for Paganism.

The ‘S’ is a symbol for Taoism.

The ‘T’ is a symbol for Christianity.

The main idea behind these bumper stickers is that no religion or movement is above the other, and that we should all, well, coexist. Despite having differing religious or worldview backgrounds, we should all strive to coexist with one another. If the bumper sticker means to ask that we all live and breathe the same air, coexisting as humans, then congratulations, we have been doing that since humanity’s existence.

But the philosophy behind this sticker is “I don’t care if you’re Christian or gay or Jewish or Muslim, you should all live as if there weren't any differences between us.”   By stating that we should all coexist, you are not living in coexistence with someone who disagrees with you. Everyone, according to this bumper sticker, should agree with the bumper sticker. Which, obviously, people don’t so you’re left with an inability to coexist. Typically, what I’ve observed, is that the one who suggests we should all coexist doesn’t care about religion or hates it when someone’s religion.

 Let me give an example.

The Christian worldview says that homosexuality is wrong. Someone who is Christian will most likely believe homosexuality to be a sin and should not be practiced. Someone who disagrees with this will call the Christian a “bigot” and other nasty things because their religion dictates their worldview. The person who disagrees with the Christian, who does not believe Christianity, will say that the Christian needs to coexist with gay people and should coexist with other religions. Who are they to suggest that Christ is the only way to salvation by God? John 14:6

Well, I hate to break it to you, but to tell the Christian that they need to coexist, you are forcing them to give up their personal belief to fit your own. Which is completely antithetical to the meaning behind “Coexist.”

Even on a different level, leaving religion aside, we will never be able to coexist, all agreeing on every issue because we are all human. We will never be able to coexist as the bumper sticker would like us to because we will always disagree on something, whether it be politics, interpretations of classic literature and its symbols, how to solve math problems, or what is better, DC or Marvel. We will always have differing opinions on everything.

Coexisting, as the definition says, “exist at the same time or in the same place,” has been happening since the dawn of man. So, congratulations if you desire for us as humans to live together on the same planet at the same time. We’ve managed that. But if you want people to disregard their religious or worldview assumptions, I’m sorry, that will never happen so we might as well stop trying to force people to do it.




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