Sunday, August 30, 2020

You Are Hated

 I know that the title I choose for this post probably does not encourage any of you but it is still a fact. (I will explain this later.)

I am sure that many of you are baffled as much as I am like you watch the coverage of the news concerning the 'protests.' I see a man driving peacefully down the street when someone from the crowd opens his car door and forcefully removes him from their car and proceeds to physically attack him. I saw a video of a police officer walking that his car when someone threw a large metal disc that hit the officer on the back of the neck dropping his to the pavement. I know I do not know all the details of either scenario but from all appearances, these men did nothing to provoke such an attack! They probably thought, "What did I do, to deserve that?" Probably nothing.

We all would like to think everyone likes you but you know that is not possible. In Psalm 69:4 we read, "Those who hate me without cause..." It is part of life sometimes to be accused even when you are innocent. Your boss may blame you for something you did not do! Even Jesus Christ faced unjust hatred; "At my Father’s direction, I have done many good works. For which one are you going to stone me?”

With that background, allow me to explain my title choice. If you are a true Christ-follower, you are hated by association. Jesus made it very clear are but two forces: good and evil. John 15:18 says, " If the world hates you, know that is has hated me before it hated you...If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you..."   

All evil has a leader. Every enemy has a general. When Jesus prayed in John 17, He was very specific calling out the "evil one." Jesus knew something that we often forget; Satan has an agenda to destroy you. He ultimately hates Jesus Christ but he cannot hurt Him, so he does the next best thing; he hates His children. 

Be encouraged. Even 'bad' things happen to good people. "“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 

Satan does hate you BUT God loves you more!

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