Saturday, September 5, 2020

Sitting? or Sent?

 When pastors get together, it isn't long until they ask how their home church is doing. Nothing wrong with the question but is interesting how pastors answer the question. The majority will answer something like, "We had 260 in attendance!" But do numbers actually tell how a church is doing or how healthy the church is? 

Most of the churches I have pastored were small churches and I have to admit I sometimes felt intimated when in a social gathering with pastors with larger churches.

Many churches think in terms of sitting capacity. How many people can fit inside the building. But churches also need to ask about their sending capacity. How many people are leaving Sunday, heading into Monday sent on a mission?

Being a Christ-follower means we are also fishers of men (Matthew 4:19) but that does not mean we just invite the fish [people] to come to the aquarium [church building] where the chief fisherman [the pastor] casts the bait [the gospel] and lands the fish [conversion]. 

The church I was raised in was small but it sent out several people: Pastors, missionaries, and Christian School teachers.

God is sending each of us to reach someone with the Good News that Jesus Christ came to earth to provide a way to heaven and provide eternal life. 

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