Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Dressed For Success

In 1975 John T. Molloy wrote a best selling book called Dressed For Success. He explained the effect of clothing had on a person's success in business and personal life.

The Bible tells us how we are to dress for spiritual 'success.' If you desire to overcome the snares of the devil and live a happy victorious life; consider the articles you must put on every day. These are found in Ephesians 6.

Unlike the clothing we wear in our daily lives; our spiritual clothing consists of body armor. Many Christ-followers forget that we are in a battle. Our enemy, Satan, hates us and wants to destroy us.   John 10:10 but God has provided us everything we need for protection.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:11

The first item we are to put on is 
1. The belt of truth verse 14 Every other piece of the full armor of God is attached to the belt of truth. If you don’t begin with truth, you’ll never defeat the enemy, for he is the father of lies. John 8:44

2. The breastplate of righteousness vs. 14 The enemy tempts with all kinds of sinful entanglements, but righteousness protects our hearts.

3. Your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Verse 15 Ephesians repeatedly reminds us to “stand” and “stand firm.” One of the easiest ways for the enemy to succeed in shaking us loose from standing firm is to tempt us with worry. When we carry anxiousness and worry with us, we are robbed of peace. But the gospel of peace keeps our feet anchored and standing firm.

4. The shield of faith verse 16 When Paul wrote this passage, Roman soldiers carried shields that were covered with heavy animal hide. Before a battle, they would dip their shields into the water so that when fiery darts hit them, the wet hide would extinguish the darts.

5. The helmet of salvation verse 16
The battlefield of our mind is the primary place spiritual battle is fought. The Lord works His freeing truth into our perspectives while the enemy fights for strongholds to bind us. 

If you have trouble remembering each article every morning, remember you find each piece of armor in Jesus Christ. "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ...Romans 13:14

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