Monday, December 28, 2020

Where Does God Fit?

 A man was teaching on the importance of priorities. He used a large ja and several large rocks. He placed five or six large rocks into the jar until no more would fit. Then he asked the audience, " Is the jar full?" and almost everyone shouted. "Yes!"

He smiled and then pulled out a bag of smaller rocks and dumped them in until no more would fit. The he asked if the jar was now full. Some answered, "Yes." Then he pulled out a bag of sand and poured that into the jar until it could not hold anymore. Again, he asked if the jar was NOW full. No one responded. Lastly, he pulled out a jug of water and poured water into the jar until it overflowed. He paused and asked, "What the point of demonstration?" The answers began to fly: 

  • You can always do more
  • You should never be satisfied with the amount of this you are doing
  • If you try harder, you can always do more  
The crowd was pleased with itself until the speaker smiled and said, "You are wrong - very wrong. The moral of this example is this. If you don't put the big rocks in first, you will never fit  them in. You will lose in the areas that matter most because our time and energy are consumed on the little things and keeps us from winning where it matters most!"

Priorities are the foundations that you build your life upon. Matthew 6:33  2Timothy 2:4 If you do not put God first, you will have difficulty just "fitting" Him into your life!

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