Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Are You Going It Alone?

 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. Matthew 18:20

For many men, our default is go-it-alone. We prefer to work alone, make decisions alone, power through struggles alone, get credit for doing it alone. Nothing is more macho than bein a Rambo-type! Showing the world you can handle life, alone if necessary.

The problem is, our Savior, Jesus Christ does not think it's a great idea. He didn't go-it-alone during His ministry' He doesn't go-it-alone now. Mark 3:13-15 And when He sent followers tp preach and do miracles, He sent them in pairs, so they wouldn't go-it-alone either. Luke 10:1 But, why are pairs or groups better than one person?

There are several reasons:

* Jesus is uniquely present when two or more people join together in His name Matthew 18:20

* When two or more people join together who know one another, pray for one another, and pray with one another there have a better chance to succeed in their mission. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

* You receive more support and are protected from sin and opposition. Having a partner provides accountability from temptation and having someone to "watch your back."

You were never meant to go it alone. Remember; even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.

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