Saturday, January 16, 2021

God's "Wait" Room

At many gyms, they have a room designated as the weight room. It consists of a variety of weights and machines for resistance training. Most people, who come just to exercise, avoid this room because this room is for people that are dedicated to building muscle. It means HARD work!

In the spiritual realm. God has a special room to develop our spiritual muscles. It is called the "wait" room. Many (including me) have a difficulty with waiting. We wait to get an appointment with the doctor. When we finally get to the doctor; we sit in a waiting room. We wait in the waiting room until the nurse calls our name and takes us to an exam room where we (you guessed it) we wait again.

Think how often we wait. We wait in line at the grocery store. We wait at the gas station. We have to wait to get our haircut. Have you noticed that many car accidents happen at stoplights. Why? Because people are not willing to wait at a red light, so they run the light and cause an accident and maybe a fatality. We live in a world geared to the instantaneous; microwaves, fast food, we have to buy a new computer because we need one that is faster.

Depending on which version of the Bible you read; "waiting" is mentioned over 140 times, it appears God wants us to understand waiting. Many times it is in context that waiting can be beneficial. We get frustrated when we pray and God doesn't answer immediately; thinking God did not hear or refuses our request. But waiting on God is the major way we grow spiritually.

Isaiah 40:31 "...but those who keep waiting for the Lord will renew their strength.

Lamentations 3:26 it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

Psalm 40:11 I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry.

If you are waiting on God; do not be discouraged and quit. Galatians 6:9 Just because you cannot see God at work; does not mean He isn't!

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