Sunday, August 6, 2023

Being Tempted?


Every human being faces temptation at some time in their lives, You may be tempted to lie to protect your reputation. You may be tempted to cheat on a test to pass a subject in school. Everyone faces temptation but the good news is that God always provides a way out. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Temptation is anything that promises satisfaction at the cost of obedience to God. James 1:13 Temptation is not sinful because Jesus Himself was tempted. In Matthew 4, we read how Jesus faced temptation and was victorious. For 40 days and 40 nights, Jesus fasted in the wilderness AND He was being tempted by the devil, This is what Jesus was facing.

Jesus is faced with three temptations. These temptations are described as the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, and the lust of the eyes. Today we'll look at the lust of the flesh. We all have times in our lives when the lust of the flesh tempts us. This temptation says I want it." After 40 days without food, the devil tempts Jesus to turn stones to bread. Matthew 4:3 Nothing wrong in satisfying your hunger unless it is outside the will of God. Sin is fulfilling a God-given desire in a way that God never intended.

Jesus overcame temptation by quoting Scripture and relying on the power of God. Instead of saying "I want it" let's say "I want God."

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