Friday, June 18, 2021

Work Is Not A Four-letter Word

Very few people look at work positively. Work to most people is something they endure so they can endure the weekend. There has been numerous cartoons and jokes about Monday morning but is there a positive side to work? What does God think about work?

Did Adam and Eve have  life of luxury? Was everything provided for them? The foundation for our work ethic come from the book of Genesis.

Evidently work itself is not bad, for Adam was told to work even before he sinned. And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to 'dress it and to keep it' (Genesis 2:15). God knew that idleness was not good for mankind, so He assigned to Adam the responsibility of "dressing" the garden, perhaps to keep the plants from overrunning everything. This was not difficult work, but enjoyable. 

You may have heard the saying, "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life." (Unknown) I told my children that it really did not matter how much money you earn if you dislike your job. Who wants to work 20-30  years in a job they dislike just it paid well?

The Bible has much to say about work and the work ethic. I will share those thoughts in upcoming blogs.  

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