Thursday, July 22, 2021

No Earls In Heaven


Are you as confused as I am concerning the levels of English nobility? Dukes, Duchesses, Earls, Lords, barons. Who outranks the other? The English are famous for their idea of nobility as a birthright. That might work in the kingdom of Britain bit it doesn't work in the Kingdom of God. Spiritual standing is a personal decision, not a birthright. No one is saved because his parents or grandparents were saved.
Jesus told a parable of five foolish virgins who failed to provide oil for their lamps. Matthew 25. When they sought to borrow oil from others, they were refused. Oil in the Bible represents the Holy Spirit, which is given to individuals only by God. Are you resting on your spiritual ancestry or own your own relationship with Jesus?
Regardless of who your parents are or were, you are not a Christ-follower until you personally accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.
The tragedy of my life is that though I've led thousands of people to Jesus Christ, my own sons are not saved.” Billy Sunday – 20th-century American evangelist

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