Friday, September 17, 2021

Following Jesus In Today's World


The Bible says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8. When Jesus was calling the 12 disciples; He asked them to follow Him. Matthew 4:19
Since Jesus never changes; the invitation to follow Him still applies to us today.

To 'follow' someone you must know where they are going. You need to know their destination. So where was Jesus going? Why did He come to earth? Luke 19:10 clearly states He came to 'seek and save that which was lost.'We Jesus often used stories to convey spiritual truth. Each parable had a different meaning but He was told three parables in Luke 15 that all had the same meaning: The lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son. If we are to be true followers of Christ, this should be our purpose in life, seeking the lost.

The Apostle Peter followed Jesus and had an intimate relationship with Him. But something changed that relationship. When Jesus was arrested and was being taken prisoner, Matthew 26:58 "Peter followed him at a distance..." Peter made the mistake of allowing a distance in his following. His safety and security were threatened. Technically, he was still following Jesus but from a distance. Later on, Peter was asked if he knew Jesus and he swore with an oath he did not know Him. When you follow Jesus from a distance, it will affect our relationship with other people will change. We are more focused on ourselves than lost people.

We are so unaware of the 'lost' people all around us. Romans 3:23 says 'for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,' Everyone was has not trusted Jesus Christ to forgive them of their sins, is lost. Doesn't matter if they attend church or are good moral people; without Christ, they are lost.

Tomorrow as you follow Jesus, follow His example and invite someone to follow Jesus with you. It may be at school or at work. It may be at church. Yes, there are lost people who attend church!

Don't follow Jesus at a distance!

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