Friday, September 17, 2021

The Second Disaster


In my last blog, Following Jesus in Today's World, we saw that following Jesus means to follow His example in seeking the lost. Luke 19:10. Unfortunately, most Christ-followers have not made this a priority in their lives. Most go through life never sharing their faith with an unbeliever.

Most of you are familiar with the tragic story of the Titanic. The Titanic was the largest man-made object at its time. During its maiden voyage, it struck an iceberg and started to sink. It took a long time for the ship to go down. About three and a half hours between impact and totally going under. There was a lot of time for lifeboats to be placed in the ocean. But what I found out was that though the lifeboats had the capacity to save 70 people, they were only half full when lowered in the water. It is clearly documented that there were only between 12-30 people in each lifeboat, with the capacity to save more people. When the ship finally went down there were all these lifeboats all over the ocean. There were hundreds of people in the water screaming for help.

And here is where the Second Disaster of the Titanic happened. It was the fact that there were so many lifeboats with seats to space, everyone started to row away from the disaster. They managed to shut out the fact that all these people could be saved but they were happy with the fact that they had been saved. Only ONE lifeboat returned to pick up survivors. This is a picture of todays Christianity where we are just happy we made it! We know Jesus, we are on our way to heaven but our "lifeboat" is only half full!

Today, you are either in a lifeboat or you are in the water! If you are in the water; do not refuse when someone offers to rescue you. If you are in a lifeboat; don't ignore those in the water!

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