Sunday, September 19, 2021

Proverb or Promise (Part One)


Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 NKJ

Point your kids in the right direction—when they’re old they won’t be lost. Proverbs 22:6 MGS

As a Christian parent, my biggest concern was that my two children would grow up to be mature disciples of Jesus Christ. My heart has been broken many times to see children that have been raised in Christian homes and have attended Bible-teaching churches only to forsake the faith and desert the church.
Many have interpreted the above verse as a promise to parents that if they do their job right their children will never abandon the faith. However, this has resulted in many parents feeling as if God has broken His promise to them when their child turns from the faith.
This verse is a proverb and not a promise. Proverbs are sayings about how life normally works. But, there are plenty of exceptions to proverbs, because life is complicated by many factors. Proverbs are principles, not promises.

Bible teacher, Peter Goeman has an interesting insight into this verse. "In addition to the fact that a proverb is a principle, not a promise, Proverbs 22:6 is likely a negative warning rather than a positive promise. If we break down the verse we see some interesting details which support the view this is not a promise...The context in Proverbs speaks very negatively about the way of the youth. Thus, “his way” likely refers to the sinful disposition of the youth. If true, this particular proverb functions as a warning, not a promise. If parents affirm a child in his or her own way, that child will embrace that lifestyle throughout life..."

"By way of application, the main point of the proverb is clear. Whether it is positive or negative, Proverbs 22:6 cannot be viewed as a promise. Rather, it is a principle that highlights the importance of parenting. Further, it also highlights the tendency of the child to hold to the patterns of his youth. However, we should avoid using such a proverb as a promise that has no exceptions.

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