Friday, September 3, 2021

What's First?


It’s always interesting to me how different people do things in different orders. Some people dry off before getting out of the shower, while others get out of the shower first and dry off while dripping on the floor. Everyone has an order to their morning routine. Some put deodorant on before putting on their shirt/blouse, while others put their clothing on first and then struggle to apply their deodorant.

When it comes to your daily routine, order matters. What do you do first each day? Do you check social media? Read your news apps or your Bible? Listen to music while drinking coffee? Jesus told us to “seek first his kingdom.” Matthew 6:33 Not only did he teach us to seek God first, but he modeled it. Jesus would often rise early in the morning and leave the crowd in order to spend intimate time with His Father. Spending time with God and His Word will help set the tone for the day. But don't do it from an obligation.

Whatever you do, seek God first. Open your heart to him. Lift your praises toward heaven. Absorb the truth of his Word. Let him purify your heart, cleanse your motives, and direct your actions. When you seek him first, he will add everything that matters into your life.

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