Saturday, October 16, 2021

He's Got The Power


Having power at your fingertips is a thrilling experience. Whether it's a powerful car, a new power tool, or an awesome powerboat. If there's one thing men love its power. Unfortunately, sooner or later, we all experience a power failure.

Maybe your child gets cancer. Maybe you lose your job. Maybe you lose your spouse. No matter what the circumstance; losing power is a nightmare! My car has broken down on the interstate on several occasions. I felt totally helpless! But it's when you feel the weakest that God's power can be most visible.
What do we do when we can't fix the problem? God doesn't guarantee that every tragedy will have a happy ending. But He does promise to pour out His power into our lives. And that is the paradox of the Gospel. Even in the midst of suffering and pain, you can experience His power and have peace! We may not fully understand the loss, pain, betrayal that caused the 'power outage' but the unending strength of our Savior will help us through,
The Apostle Paul struggled with a special weakness that drove him to his knees. 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 His reliance on God's strength is what really empowers us. Once we apply that truth, we'll survive every power failure we will ever have to face.

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