Saturday, October 9, 2021

Need A New Heart?


And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. Ezekiel 36:26

Science has produced many amazing medical advances. The most spectacular is the ability to transplant human body parts. A few decades ago, transplants were rare but these days everyone seems to know someone with a new hip, knee, kidney, liver, or heart.

When the prophet Ezekiel wrote the above verse he had no knowledge of organ replacements but he carefully recorded the message of a heart transplant. The "heart" in this passage doesn't refer to the physical, blood-pumping muscle in your chest. He was referring to the core of a person's being: Your mind, will, and emotions.

Ezekiel was addressing the nation of Israel who wanted nothing to do with worshipping the true God. They had rejected God for so long their hearts had become 'hardened.' (Sounds like America.) Hearts become hardened through repeated sin and living only for self.

The fact is we all need a new heart but we all have sinned against God. Romans 3:23 The Good News is no matter how hard your heart is; God can successfully give you a new heart. Ask God to perform spiritual heart surgery.

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