Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Next Step

 Your word is a lamp before my feet and a light for my journey. Psalm 109:105

If you ever go into a home improvement store, you will find a whole section of the store devoted to flashlights. Some lights advertise they have 1 – 20 million candle power and can light up objects a quarter of a mile away. It is a far cry from the “one candle” power of handheld lamps of biblical times; lighting up objects five feet away!

The writer of Psalms wrote that God's Word was a lamp to his feet. Psalms 119:105 In the mind of the Israelites, God's Word was something to be obeyed. As I obey God's Word where I now stand today, His Word gives me direction for my next step. There is no need to see a quarter of a mile down life's road if I am not going to obey and take the next step God has clearly shown me.

If you are trying to find direction in your life from God, obey what God has shown you today! Do that one day at a time and you will be able to look back and see your entire way has been illuminated,

Obedience is not a matter of seeing the whole path, only seeing the next step. Obedience increasing seeing.

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