Friday, November 26, 2021

Don't Worry Be Happy

The song Don't Worry Be Happy was sung by Bobby McFerrin and released in 1988. It was the first aCapella song to reach number-one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, a position it held for two weeks. Great song (my ring tone for my cell phone) and though you will not find the words in the Bible, the idea is scriptural.

 As Christ-followers, we should not allow worry to control us, yet worry and anxiety are at epidemic proportions in America. People desperately want to be happy and they pursue it through drugs, alcohol, sex, a new job, a new spouse all in the attempt to be happy. The Apostle Paul wrote the Book of Philippians from a prison cell and yet he said “...because of this I rejoice. Chapter 1 vs 18 Rejoice in the Lord always 4:1, 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything...

Paul learned that happiness is not just an emotion you feel but a decision you have to continually make no matter your circumstances. Paul's secret is found in Philippians 4:11 for I have learned to be content [happy] whatever the circumstances. Circumstances will not bring happiness but you CAN learn contentment.
As you go about your day many circumstances will challenge your attitude and faith. This is your opportunity to remember the recipe Paul has found being happy.

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