Friday, December 24, 2021

Being Wise at Christmas

 Tomorrow, we celebrate Christmas! I am sure many thoughts and memories are filling our minds. The baby Jesus, shepherds, the angelic host, and of course the three wise men.

We do not possess much detail about the three wise men but what we do know can benefit us today in our spiritual journey. Mentioned only in the second chapter of Matthew, the identity of the wise men or Magi has fascinated those who study the Bible. Who are these mysterious people who came "from the East" (Matthew 2:1)

  1. These were learned (hence wise) priests who studied astronomy and other religions of their day. They knew of the prophecy concerning the King of the Jews and followed “His” star Matthew 2:2 But their search for this new king was not to satisfy their intellectual curiosity but their search was motivated by worship. We can learn that “wise men” today should seek Him to worship.
  2. Many Bible scholars think the Magi traveled 1,000+ miles from their home which probably took them months to find Jesus. It took perseverance for them to reach Bethlehem. Today, it is hard to get people to drive across town to attend church.
  3. We “assume” there were only three wise men because only three gifts are mentioned. But this is probably wrong. Stephen Collins, in his book "Lost Ten Tribes of Israel . . . Found!" - “Due to their elevated position, they probably traveled with a large entourage that included servants, cooks, and so on worthy of those of high rank. They also came with an armed escort of perhaps a few hundred soldiers, not only to protect their safety but also to guard the precious gifts they carried.”
  4. "This Parthian delegation was offering tribute money to a 'king,' and therefore would more likely have brought a whole train of pack animals loaded with gold, frankincense, and... "Since the Parthian Magi were directed to Jesus by an angel of God, their sense of awe likely resulted in unusually large gifts being given to Jesus" (Stephen Collins)
  5. After the magi found Jesus; they returned home by another route. I don't want to stretch this point, but once people truly meet Jesus, they are never the same. 2 Cor. 5:17
Hopefully, we can learn (and apply) what we know that made these men wise.

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