Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Dark Night of the Soul - Part Two


In my last blog I dealt with my personal “Dark Night of the Soul.' I briefly described how it affected me but did not have space to share how to survive the experience. I mentioned that if you have been a Christ-follower for long, you have probably found a time in your spiritual journey when you came to an abrupt halt. You may have experienced depression, hopelessness, confusion, lethargy, anger, sadness, even thoughts of suicide.

Many people seek the help of a psychologist during this experience and are wrongfully diagnosed with depression and are given antidepressants, The thing is, the problem is not in your head, it is in your soul. It is happening because you are in the process of incredibly painful spiritual transformation.

Growing in your relationship with Christ is a process. But that growth does not progress in a straight line. Our journey goes up and down, forward and backward. The goal is to develop a more Christ-like character.

Space does not allow me to fully treat how to deal with this subject but let me share some help while you go through your 'Dark Night.'

  1. Educate yourself. The more you know the better off you will be, There are many helpful articles online.

  2. Surrender and Trust. The more you resist the transformation process, the more pain you will feel. But once you let go, you will find freedom

  3. Accept where you are at. You are right where God wants you to be.

  4. Stay close to people who love you.

  5. Pray and meditate. Pray for strength and guidance.

  6. Exercise

  7. Listen to spiritually uplifting music.

  8. Focus on the positive. Philippians  4:8

Remember, this season will not last forever, You will be able to look back and see it as a blessing and not a curse. 

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