Sunday, December 5, 2021

I've Been Pranked!


Though pranks have been with us for thousands of years, it's taken a new turn with access to social media. A prank is defined as a practical joke or mischievous act.

As a true follower of Jesus Christ, I don't believe pranks are consistent with the Christian life. I realize that this is my personal opinion and pulling a prank is not a sin but I do not think it adds credibility to our testimony.
I look at life through the lens of a Biblical worldview. That is, I think the principles found in Scripture should guide how we live. For example, the “Golden Rule.” The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated. Matthew 7:12

Watch the videos and it looks like the only ones enjoying the prank are those committing them. I John 2:6 says as a Christ-followers - “The one who claims to remain in him [Jesus] ought to live in the same way as he lived.”

Can you imagine Jesus Christ pulling a prank on someone? The point of a prank is to laugh at someone's response to the prank. Would Jesus laugh at someone's embarrassment? Would Jesus prank someone for enjoyment? I don't think so. If someone has pranked you, how did you feel? I doubt you enjoyed it. No one likes being laughed at or being embarrassed.

Think before you prank!

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