Friday, December 31, 2021

Secrets Revealed!

 The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Luke 12:2

In the context of this verse Jesus is dealing with spiritual hypocrisy and that would also apply to unconfessed personal sin but is there a broader application?

There was once a TV show that dealt with unsolved mysteries. And I've always wondered would the above-mentioned verse apply to these mysteries as well?
  • Who killed Jon Benet Ramsey?
  • JFK Assassination - conspiracy?
  • Bermuda Triangle
  • Congressional secret meetings? Luke 12:3
  • Who won the last Presidential election?
When people commit adultery, thief, embezzlement, murder, etc. they think they will not be found out. Other people may get caught but not them. They are too smart, or they are the exception. They may escape detection for years as we see in many unsolved crimes but Luke 12:2 says, "The time IS coming..." Everything that was done to hide their sin will be exposed. I am not sure how God will "uncover" and make known all that people have tried to hide but I'm sure that an all-powerful God would have no problem doing so!

Understanding that God knows every deed done and every word spoken; we should live carefully.

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