Thursday, January 20, 2022

Teaching Racism

 And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children,..." Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Today Critical Race Theory [CRT] is a topic that is causing an uprising in our culture. For those for who may not be aware, CRT is “a cross-disciplinary intellectual and social movement of civil-rights scholars and activists who seek to examine the intersection of race and law in the United States and to challenge mainstream American liberal approaches to racial justice.” Wikipedia
The point of contention is should CRT be taught in our schools? As a Christ-follower, I strongly believe that the education of our children is NOT the responsibility of the educational system but the parents. Parents have a right to say what their children should be taught. Racism is taught through many avenues: Parents, peers, schools, movies, etc. That being the case, it is imperative that parents teach their children that racism is wrong and not biblical. Jesus personally demonstrated He came to overcome racism John 4.

The Bible clearly teaches the equality of ALL races. Galatians 3:28 Ephesians 2:14 Jesus Christ is not the Savior of the white race but the Savior of all mankind. Educating our children is NOT the responsibility of the educational system but the parents. Parents have a right to say what their children should be taught. Racism is taught through many avenues: Parents, peers, schools, movies, etc. That being the case, it is imperative that parents teach their children that racism is wrong and not biblical. Jesus personally demonstrated He came to overcome racism John 4. The Bible clearly teaches the equality of ALL races. Galatians 3:28 Ephesians 2:14 Jesus Christ is not the Savior of the white race but the Savior of all mankind.
Teaching our children Biblical truth does not make is spiritual crackpots. Living God’s Word does not require that we tack Scripture placards all over our walls and speak in a “holy” tone of voice. But it does mean that we teach our children how to apply God’s Word to appropriate situations.

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