Friday, March 25, 2022

Friend of Sinners?


...a friend of tax collectors and sinners. – Luke 7:34

Several years ago, friends of my wife and I from our home church, were involved in an adulterous affair. Fortunately, they repented of their sin and received forgiveness from Jesus Christ. When we went back for a visit, we were surprised to see they were both still attending the same church. I'm not sure how wise that was but at least they sat at opposite sides on the sanctuary.

After the worship service, my wife spoke with the lady and I spoke with the man. We did not bring up their affair but just spoke to them in generalities. We wanted to let them know that we were still friends and we loved them.

When we went outside, we were accosted by some of the local congregation. They wanted us to know that this couple had been involved in this terrible sin and that we should not be talking with them. (I should have noticed immediately following the service, no one spoke to them.) My response was that they had been forgiven by God and we shouldn't hold their past sin against them. Their response was they “thought” they were secretly seeing each other and had not left their sin.

I was saddened by their attitude. Two thoughts immediately came to my mind: 1] No one wants THIER past sins to be brought up. 2] This is not the attitude of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 says we are to have the mind of Christ. How would He treat them? The perfect example of Jesus's attitude toward sinners is found in John 8 where He dealt with a woman caught in the “act of adultery.” He said He did not condemn her but extended love, grace, and acceptance.

I've lost track of our friends but I hope they have found a church where they would find healing and acceptance.

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