Thursday, March 17, 2022

Rejected But Accepted

"...I will never turn away anyone who comes to me," John 6:37

The story of King David has to an interesting backdrop. David was the youngest of eight brothers. When the prophet Samuel came to David's house to choose a new king, everyone assumed Samuel would choose, Eliab. Eliab was the biggest, oldest, and strongest of the brothers. Surely he was going to be the new king. But God said, “Nope. Not him.” Undoubtedly, Eliab felt spurned. The system seemed upside down. He wasn’t chosen as king. Instead, the youngest brother was—the kid who wasn’t even in the lineup. Eliab felt rejected, and rejected people reject people. 

None of us like to feel we aren’t good enough. Or smart enough. Or wanted enough. As much as we wish it weren’t so, the opinions of others matter.

I grew up with the fear of rejection. I never tried out for sports; because I feared I couldn't make the cut. I didn't date much in my teen years because I couldn't handle being turned down. 

But even if we have been rejected by our peers, passed over by a job promotion, or even rejected by our parents; remember Jesus will never turn away from you. John 6:37 Psalm 27:10

Jesus accepts us not because of our appearance 1 Samuel 16:7 , our intelligence or personality but because He choose us from the time of our conception. Before you were born, He loved you. Job 10:10-12  God did not accept you because of anything you had done but just because He loved you. 

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