Friday, April 15, 2022

Your Best Friend


It is amazing the different misconceptions that people have about the person-hood of God! In some cultures, God is seen as an angry deity that can only be appeased by throwing a virgin into an active volcano. Some see God as a celestial policeman, waiting for you to misbehave so that He can hit you on the head for stepping out of line. While others see God as a divine vending machine. They deposit their prayers and God dispenses an answer. Personally as a young believer, I lived with a constant tension of trying to live such a “holy life” that the slightest misstep would displease God. Galatians 6:16

I believe that the majority of Christ-followers have not truly grasped the truth of John 15:15; “I no longer call you servants,... Instead, I have called you friends...” Christians think of Jesus as their Lord, Savior, King and Master. However, believers rarely think of Jesus as being a close friend. Though that might sound strange to you at first, Jesus actually wants us to think this way. Jesus is our King, but He never wants us to feel that we are beneath Him. He wants us to talk to Him, come to Him during our times of trouble, and build a loving, long-lasting friendship.

The amazing thing it is God who initiates this friendship. That means being a friend of God does not lessen our reverence of Him. Once you see all the things that a friendship with Jesus offers, you will realize that He is the best friend that you could ever have. A truly happy life is made possible when we choose to have a friendship with Him! 

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