Sunday, November 20, 2022

Need More Time?


And there was no day before it or after it...” Joshua 10:14

We have all said it, “I wish I had more time in a day!” Of course it's impossible to add more time to our allotted 24 hrs. but someone actually did add a whole day to his calendar. The Bible records of a battle where Joshua, Israel's leader, had a miraculous victory over his enemies. Joshua pursued the defeated army as they fled but time was running out to completely destroy his enemy.

Joshua then prayed for a miracle. He asked God to stop the sun and moon so he could finish his enemies and God answered his prayer. Joshua 10:13 Don't ask me to explain how God did it but He did. The earth stopped spinning on its axis with a catastrophic effect. All I can say Jehovah reigns outside of the constraints of time, so for Him to stop time is no problem.

Timelessness exists nowhere on the Earth. Timelessness exists nowhere in space. Stars and planets move through space as a constant indicator that time is passing. The only place that timelessness exists is within the heart of God; and because Joshua boldly prayed, God inserted timelessness into the Earth.

In 1964, The Rolling Stones, recorded Time is On Our Side, which became an instant hit. It makes a great love song BUT time is NOT on our side. Job 14:5 says, “A person’s days are determined; you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.”

Since we cannot add one minute to our time on earth what should we do? Colossians 4:5 says “...making the most of the time.” Benjamin Franklin said, Lost time is never found again.”

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