Thursday, October 13, 2022

No Expiration Date


Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35

When you buy food at the grocery store, particularly dairy products, do you check the expiration date? Occasionally I forget and discover several days or a week later that the milk remaining in the carton has expired and taken a turn for the worse. Or the formerly white cottage cheese has turned green, but not from envy.

These days virtually all consumable products – packaged lunch meat, canned goods, cereals, even over-the-counter drugs, have expiration dates. “Best when used by,” “sell by,” “best enjoyed thru,” or simply, “Exp. Date. Things get old. They spoil or get stale. They lose their usefulness.

We buy devices and they're out of date almost before we know how to use them. Planned obsolescence is standard in the technology industry. That's why I love the Bible. It's never out of date. People may think it is no longer relevant but I find just the opposite. Matthew 24:35

How is it that almost everything around us has time restrictions and limitations, but the Bible doesn't? I believe the reason is simple: Eternal truth has no expiration date.

Unlike passing fads and slang vocabulary, the truths about life transcend time, culture and trends. Just as gravity is a physical constant, truth about human nature – especially truth found in the Scriptures – is equally constant and unchanging. 

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