Saturday, January 7, 2023

New Year; Same You?

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17. 17

How many of us resolved to be different in 2023?  Lose weight? Quit a bad habit? More time with the family? One gloomy study tells us that many people break their resolutions by February 14th. We have all broken a resolution.  So how can this year be different? 

You don’t need a specific day of the year to start to change your life. You can resolve to do something differently — spend less money, be nicer, drink more water — anytime. And you can decide to do these things for an hour, a day, a week. Then see if you want to continue. Vowing to overhaul your life on Jan. 1 and trying to stick with the changes forever is a tall order.

When you do make a resolution, be it now or in six weeks or in July, remember that a resolution need not be punishing. It doesn’t have to involve curbing appetites or behaviors unless you want it to. You can resolve to reward yourself more. You can resolve to take more naps. And the resolution doesn’t need to be big. It can be small and boring and meaningful only to you.

So, make a resolution for the month of January and see how that goes. If all goes well, extend it through February. Don't go on a guilt trip if you slip up! There’s always a day or month or year ahead of me with no mistakes in it. Resolve to be resolving! 

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