Friday, January 6, 2023

Eighteen Inches from God

"Oh, taste and see the Lord is good! Psalm 34:8 

There is an incredible difference between knowing something in your head and experiencing it in your heart. On the first Sunday after the resurrection, Jesus joined two people on the Emmaus Road. Luke 24:13-35 tells the story as they walked along. They seemed to understand a great deal about Jesus (vs.19) yet, despite all of their knowledge, "their eyes were kept from recognizing him". They were eighteen inches from God - the distance from the head to the heart. 

Not long after, when they personally heard Jesus speak biblical truth and joined Him in worship, "their eyes were opened," and they finally recognized Him for who He truly is. The reality of Jesus moved from their heads to their hearts. 

God is less a concept to be understood than a Person to be experienced. I personally use devotionals for a daily time to meet with God. But the danger is assuming that making time for God, we must be experiencing God. If we are not careful, it's possible to learn about God without truly experiencing His love! 

Allow what you learn (head knowledge) to go 18 inches to your heart (personal experience). 

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