Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Impossible Made Possible

 Nothing is impossible for God! Luke 1:37

The seemingly impossible happened when hurricane-force winds changed the flow of the mighty Mississippi River. Hurricane Ida came ashore on the coast of Louisiana causing a "negative flow", meaning water acutally flowed upriver for several hours.

Experts estimate that over its life cycle a hurricane can expend energy equal to ten thousand nuclear bombs! This "negative flow" might explain Israel's experience at the Red Sea. While fleeing the Egyptians who'd enslaved them for centuries, the Israelites came to the edge of the Red Sea. In front of them was a wide body of water and behind them was the Egyptian army. In that seemingly impossible situation, "the Lord drove the sea back with a strong east wide and turned it into dry land...and the Israelites went through the sea." Exodus 14:21-22.

Responding with awe is natural after experiencing the immensity of God's power. The result was Israel "put their trust" in Him. (vs 31) When we experience God's power in creation, we too can place our trust in Him.

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