Monday, July 3, 2023

Life is a marathon

...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,.. Hebrews 12:1

I remember well my first day of basic training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. All the new recruits we "chauffeured" in an air-conditioned bus to hear a welcome from the commanding general. After we heard what to expect in the next eight weeks, we were ushered back to the parking lot where we expected our bus to be waiting. Instead, we were introduced to our drill sergeant who informed us that there would be no bus, but we would have to run the two miles back to our barracks. And to make sure we didn't get lost; he would lead us lead - in his jeep. Needless to say, most of us didn't make it in the allotted time. 

Running became a regular routine each morning. We were started with a two-mile run, which was increased gradually. At the end of our eight weeks, we were running eight miles! To my surprise, I actually enjoyed those runs! (Truth) In the military, running was never about sprinting but endurance. 

Endurance implies that the Christian life is better compared to a marathon than a sprint. It is something that takes work, commitment, and fortitude. It can't be completed without preparation or practice—otherwise we will burn out in no time at all. Think about it: you would not run a marathon without any preparation. You don’t just show up the day of the race and expect to do well. Rather, you sign up months ahead, sometimes a year ahead.

Peter and John both exhort us: “do not be surprised” or "do not be caught off guard" at the race we must run 1Peter4:12 1 John 3:3

When we see the course that is set before us, we will not be surprised. We will be ready to run, come what may.

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