Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Sacred Cows in the Church?


I have spent much of my adult life in the church. I love the church, but it is not perfect because it is filled with people. People with faults, hangups and wrong thinking. As a pastor for 40+ years, one of the biggest challenges I faced was 'sacred cows' in the church. Not literal four-legged cud-chewing cows but traditions and even objects that people have elevated to Biblical status.

Here is a more technical definition. “The term 'sacred cow' is commonly used in Christian circles to describe those elements of church life that have been elevated to such a high level of importance that they cannot be touched, criticized, changed or removed. Above all, sacred cows are not essential to the fundamentals of Christianity, but people treat then as if they are.” (Source unknown)

Allow me to share just a couple I have encountered.

  • Passing the offering plate. Many churches no longer use offering plates but have offering boxes/baskets at the doors of the sanctuary. If you stop that tradition, you may find stiff opposition.

  • Worship style. This one of the biggest “sacred cows” in the church. If you want to start a 'war' in the church, try changing the worship.

  • Dress standards. There was a time when people came to church in suits/ties and dresses. But today many don't even own a suit or a Sunday dress. Dressing up for church is not wrong but we cannot have a 'dress code' for people to attend our churches.

  • Bible translations. There are many good translations to choose from, but we should not elevate ONE translation as THE only translation we should use.

One word of caution. If the health of the church is suffering and it is decided that a certain 'sacred cow' must be killed, make sure it's God's will and His timing. Killing a sacred cow could be messy!

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